New Releases

In "The Nightmares Edge: An Alex Archer Adventure," the second installment of the series, our protagonist Alex Archer finds himself back in his hometown of Patrician, Florida. When a series of mysterious events plague the town, Alex takes it upon himself to investigate and uncover the truth behind the eerie occurrences.

As Alex delves deeper into the investigation, he discovers that these are not random events but a calculated agenda that unfolds into a nightmare threatening the lives of those he holds dear.  With the clock ticking and the stakes higher than ever, Alex races against time to unravel the mystery and confront the evil that lurks in the shadows of Patrician. He must navigate through treacherous twists and turns, risking everything. 

Will Alex be able to overcome the challenges that lie ahead and save the town from the Nightmares Edge, or will he be forced to make the ultimate sacrifice to ensure the survival of flesh and blood? Join Alex Archer on this thrilling adventure filled with suspense, danger, and heart-pounding twists.

Coming Soon, Autumn 2024